What is the name of this style of karate?
Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do.
Translation: Uechi-the master's name, Ryu-style, Karate-empty hands or Chinese hands, Do-the 'way'.
Where does the style originate?
Fukien (Fujian) Province of China.
What is the original name of the style?
Pang-gai-noon, meaning half hard, half soft.
What was the late master's name, the headquarters dojo location, and the date of his death?
Master Kanei Uechi, Futenma, Okinawa, JAPAN, February 1991.
What is NAUKA?
NAUKA is the acronym for North American Uechi Karate Association which is a representative of Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do in North America.
What are the three animals from which the movements of this style are derived?
TIGER: The Tiger provides strength and ferocity.
CRANE: The Crane provides grace and single point death strikes
DRAGON: The Dragon provides internal power development and spirit, and manifests fear in the opponent.
What is the defiination "Gokurosama" and "Domo Arigato Gozaimashita"?
These are the standard closing phrases at the end of each class.
'Thanks for your effort.' 'Thank you very much for what you did."
What is Sanchin and what does it mean?
Sanchin is an active meditation exercise encompassing the development of one's mind, body, and spirit. Literally it means "three conflicts."
An explanation of these conflicts which encompass mind, body, and spirit, are: